Condition coverage

美 [kənˈdɪʃn ˈkʌvərɪdʒ]英 [kənˈdɪʃn ˈkʌvərɪdʒ]
  • 网络条件覆盖;条件覆盖率;前提覆盖
Condition coverageCondition coverage
  1. The Discussion on the Condition Coverage Testing During the Course Teaching of Software Engineering


  2. You can measure code coverage in several ways : by assessing line or statement coverage , condition coverage , branch coverage , and so on .


  3. The city vehicle road traffic accident rescue facility location model , such as the cover model , condition coverage model , backup coverage model and P-Median Problem and P center problems of .


  4. All indexes of code coverage fulfill the requirements of project team , the line coverage is 98.7 % , the condition coverage is 95.7 % , the fsm coverage is 96.5 % .


  5. In view of different coverage degree , different from the state transformation principle based on sufficient condition of coverage , the thesis proposes an algorithm based on Monte Carlo algorithm to test whether the nodes are redundant or not and establishes the coverage collision detection and stochastic back-off mechanism .


  6. A research on testing technology of modified condition / decision coverage


  7. Analyzing Number of Test Sets for Modified Condition / Decision Coverage


  8. A Research on Reinforced Condition / Decision Coverage ( RC / DC ) Criteria


  9. Algorithm for making minimum truth-table based on modified condition / decision coverage and its application


  10. Modified Condition / Decision Coverage ( MC / DC ) is the one of the software testing ways .


  11. MC / DC is a newer structure coverage criterion , which is based on C / DC ( condition / decision coverage ) .


  12. In flatness measurement system , at the edge of shape meter sensor has the direct relation between forced condition and the coverage fraction size .


  13. MC / DC ( Modified Condition / Decision Coverage ) is a practical testing criterion for software structural coverage . Using AFS algebra and AFS structure , any human ordinary fuzzy concept can be represented .


  14. At last , this paper introduces how to develop a tool which can create test cases of Modified Condition / Decision Coverage using these two ways by Visual C + + , and analyzes these two ways , proofs their excellent capability .


  15. For a long time , restricted with the economic backward condition , the coverage of basic medical insurance for urban employee is very low . The social development goal , all of the residents have health insurance , has not come true .


  16. On the basis of analysis on the condition and the coverage of the re-arrest of ship to be applied , the article points out the legal defects of the current regulations of the re-arrest ship , and puts forward proposals for consummation .


  17. The results show that these methods can reduce the consumption of average power and peak power simultaneously on the condition that test coverage is guaranteed , and that the integration of the several methods utilizing the advantage and remedy will make the low-consumption BIST systems optimum .


  18. Introduced the coefficient of sweep zone , the condition of complete coverage of circumference for the pipeline has been extensive studied for a few types of sensor carriers , such as multi sensor array , multi rotating sensor array and single sensor rotating reflector .


  19. This paper focuses research on the test suite reduction and construction . The main work is as the following : ( 1 ) A test-suite reduction algorithm is proposed for Modify Condition / Decision Coverage ( MC / DC ) criterion based on the bi-objective optimization model .


  20. Insurers could not deny coverage to people who already have a condition , or cancel coverage if people get sick .


  21. Under the condition of having grass coverage both the cross sectional Manning coefficient and mean friction coefficient tend to increase , whereas , they vary only a little on the slope surface with grass coverage .


  22. In the condition of white-box , the adequacy of software testing can be measured by sentence coverage , distinguish coverage , condition coverage , distinguish / condition coverage , route coverage and so on .
